Barkcontrol, 2019
The existing power structures between humans and animals in relations to territory is the point of departure for the work Bark Control. Two electronic devices, a barkcontrol-device and an electronic bark-device are placed facing each other. Once the spectator enters a certain zone, the two devices start to react to the public and to each other. As if testing whether one can silence the other.
Bark control, 2019, carpet, mdf, a barkcontrol-device, an electronic watchdog-device (200x400x30cm), two manuals in wooden frames
Bark control, 2019, carpet, mdf, a barkcontrol-device, an electronic watchdog-device (200x400x30cm), two manuals in wooden frames
Bark control, 2019, carpet, mdf, a barkcontrol-device, an electronic watchdog-device (200x400x30cm), two manuals in wooden frames
Bark control, 2019, carpet, mdf, a barkcontrol-device, an electronic watchdog-device (200x400x30cm), two manuals in wooden frames