Festival van de Controle
In the group show Festival of Control, (CCHA, 24.03.2019 - 16.06/2019) our urge for control is being questioned. Even the one who reads this is guilty of a form of controlling tendency. Inconspicuously sick. Or sickly inconspicuous. How do we create a mechanism to get as much control as possible? How do we manipulate our environment? How do we keep friends or colleagues, children, parents or even enemies within the framework that we devise for them? Or how do we do that with our living environment, our house, our city, nature? And how do artists position themselves - or how are they positioned - in relation to control?
The project Festival of the Controlconsists of 3 exhibitions, 6 stage performances, 1 creation / co-production, a talk show, an artist talk (Arts Night) and a FINISSAGE, out of control?
The group show Festival of Control was set up according to a concept by Sarah Van Marcke and is curated by Sarah Van Marcke and Thierry Vandenbussche.
Francis Alÿs (BE/MEX), Mémé Bartels (NL), Ruben Bellinkx (BE), Roelien Brink (ZAF), Stefan Brüggemann (MEX), Guy Cassiers (BE), Constant Dullaart (NL), Fischli & Weiss (CH), Kendell Geers (ZAF/BE), Maarten Inghels (BE), Matthew Leifheit & Cynthia Talmadge (US), Ariane Loze (BE), Taus Makhacheva (RUS), Simon Menner (DE), Zach Nader (US), The Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence (OJAI) - Chris Dreier (DE) & Gary Farrelly (IRL/BE), Amalia Pica (ARG/UK), Annaïk Lou Pitteloud (CH/BE), Corinna Schnitt (DE), Dries Segers( BE) Roman Signer (CH), Lisa van Casand (NL), Ben Van den Berghe (BE) & Alexey Shlyk (RUS/BE), Chaim van Luit (NL), Sarah Van Marcke (BE), Sine Van Menxel (BE), Rob Wetzer (NL)

Roelien Brink, ‘I love you Mechanised Sculpture with Found Object’, 2018 & ‘Name Change Performance’, 2018, Fine art prints, 20 cm x 30 cm, Courtesy of the artist
